
Congratulations! You found my website! I’m so proud of you! Well, if you were looking for Janet Periat, author/columnist/comedian /slash-lover, I’m proud of you. If you ended up here by accident, welcome anyway! Who knows, this may be serendipitous moment and you may fall in love with my work and buy everything and tell your friends about me and I’ll become a rich and famous star! Ahem. More than likely you’ll continue onto the porn site you were really looking for.

To those actually searching for me, yay, you’re here! Now you can read excerpts of my books and/or buy them, read my monthly column, and find out about my upcoming projects. Wow! Sooooo exciting!

If you are a giant publishing house looking to offer me a multi-million dollar contract, please use my Contact page to connect with my agent, Laurie McLean.

If you want to contact me directly because you love me and want to shower me with gifts, also go to the Contact page. Unless you think I owe you money. Or if you think I should be fired. Or if you’re my ex-husband. Or if you’re a combination of all three.

If you are on Facebook, please “Like” my fan page called Janet Periat’s Fan Page (Official, Authorized and Fully Licensed). I came up with that clever name all by myself.

I’m so happy you found me! I love you all! Really I do! Especially because I just took my meds!!!!!

Site maintained by Laideebug Digital
Laideebug Digital